Politics and education

Institution for political education

Political education at the GSI is supported by the “European Conference & Training Centre in Bonn”. This is accredited by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The GSI’s European Conference & Training Centre in Bonn is an independent, non-profit institution for political education. It is not affiliated to any one political party. As an institution for political education, the GSI organises conferences, symposia, congresses, workshops and seminars on all relevant political issues. The key focus here is on European policy and security policy, as well as on international collaboration. North / south issues and regional development policy, however, also play central roles. Issues concerning social policy, such as right-wing extremism, migration and refugees, are also covered.

Specifically European themes are at the heart of the GSI’s work. Not only do we concern ourselves with the European process of unification, the economic union and the monetary union, the Euro, regional and structural policies and the formation of a federal order in Europe, but we also look at the process of transformation in Central and Eastern states in Europe, relationships with Russia and the role of Europe in peace policy, security policy and north-south policies. Besides focussing on the European perspective, we also deal with transatlantic issues and analyse the situation in the Near East. We also discuss the growing responsibility of German and European foreign policy in the world. A further key focus is the influence of the changing world of media on politics and society.

The Gustav Stresemann Institute collaborates with numerous partners in Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary and other states and regions.


Geflüchtete in Deutschland und Frankreich – Lebenssituation und mediale Darstellung

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Nach den Wahlen in der Türkei – Weiter so oder Neuanfang?

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Das Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. veranstaltet politische Bildungsfahrten an authentische Lernorte

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Inflation - von wegen kleine Preise

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18. Nahost-Talk: Ist die israelische Demokratie in Gefahr? Wenn Grenzen und Beziehungen instabil werden

Podiumsdiskussion vom 4. Mai 2023. Dokumentation auf Youtube




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Tel.: +49 228.8107-172
E-Mail: seminare(at)gsi-bonn.de

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