German-French collaboration has been a core part of the programme work of the institute ever since it was founded in 1959. In our exchanges, we focus on combining European themes with occupational, social and socio-political content. Our methods for intercultural learning are particularly designed to promote mutual understanding, thus generating an awareness of what it means to be European.
The teenagers and young adults – who are either engaged in vocational training or just starting out in their careers – are given a wide range of opportunities to form opinions and participate actively in democracy.
Many years of experience in intercultural collaboration are channelled into further training courses for disseminators, involving European third countries and countries from the Mediterranean region. Thus we lay the groundwork for a certified course of vocational training, offered by the German-French Youth Foundation (DFJW) for those leading intercultural youth exchanges, and help to strengthen the bonds between Germany and France on a long-term basis.
Our exchanges and training courses are hosted in Germany, and, in collaboration with our partners, in France, Poland, Macedonia, Tunisia, Morocco and other European countries.
Detailliertere Veranstaltungsinformationen mit weiteren Angaben zu Programminhalten und zur Zeitplanung, zu Dozent*innen, dem Veranstaltungsort, Kosten, Lernzielen, Methoden und ggf. Teilnahmevoraussetzungen bekommen Sie auf Anfrage von uns gerne zugeschickt. Sie erreichen das Team der Abteilung Politische Bildung von Montag bis Freitag zu den üblichen Bürozeiten von 9.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr.