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European GSI Summer School 2018

14-09-2018 until 21-09-2018, (Seminar number 5/200/18)

Die European GSI Summer School ist eine jährlich stattfindende Veranstaltung, die vom Gustav-Stresemann-Institut in Bonn organisiert wird. Partnerinstitutionen wie der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) sind beteiligt und unterstützen die Summer School seit vielen Jahren.

The European GSI Summer School is an annual event, organised by the Gustav-Stresemann-Institute in Bonn. Partner-institutions such as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) are involved and have been supporting the Summer School for many years.

The 29th European GSI Summer School is an international meeting point for students and young professionals, deeply interested in politics and foreign affairs. The participants will get to know the practical work of institutions of the European Union. They will reflect on the objectives and the general conception of European integration and will discuss these with experts from all disciplines.

The program covers workshops in Bonn as well as excursions to Luxemburg and Brussels to visit important European institutions.

At the same time the Summer School is a place to exchange ideas about a better future. Regardless of their nationalities, cultural roots or professions, young people discuss new ways to a peaceful and democratic society. The threat of various crises requires a new understanding between political actors and raises the issue, how to establish a successful international cooperation.

Learn more

Sachbearbeitung - Mustafa Mohamad

Phone: +49 228.8107-938
E-mail: m.mohamad(at)gsi-bonn.de

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