The European GSI School is an annual event, organised by the Gustav-Stresemann-Institute in Bonn. Partner-institutions such as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) are involved and have been supporting the Summer School for many years.
Member of European GSI Summer School 2017
The 29th European GSI Summer School is an international meeting point for students and young professionals, deeply interested in politics and foreign affairs. The participants will get to know the practical work of institutions of the European Union. They will reflect on the objectives and the general conception of European integration and will discuss these with experts from all disciplines.
The program covers workshops in Bonn as well as excursions to Luxemburg and Brussels to visit important European institutions.
At the same time the Summer School is a place to exchange ideas about a better future. Regardless of their nationalities, cultural roots or professions, young people discuss new ways to a peaceful and democratic society. The threat of various crises requires a new understanding between political actors and raises the issue, how to establish a successful international cooperation.
Vom 14.- 23. September 2018 richtet das GSI zum mittelerweise 29. Mal die „European GSI Summer School“ in Bonn, Luxemburg und Brüssel aus. Sie ist erneut ein internationaler Treffpunkt für politisch interessierte Studierende bzw. junge Berufsstätige aus ganz Europa und darüber hinaus.
Die Teilnehmer/innen lernen die praktische Arbeit von EU-Institutionen kennen, setzen sich mit Zielen und aktuellen Fragen der europäischen Integration sowie der Außenpolitik auseinander und kommen ins Gespräch mit Expert/innen. Das Programm umfasst, neben Workshops in Bonn, auch Exkursionen zu europäischen Institutionen in Luxemburg und Brüssel.
Die Summer School ist zugleich ein Ort des lebendigen Austausches junger Menschen, die sich, über alle nationalen Grenzen, kulturellen Prägungen und beruflichen Spezialisierungen hinweg, für die gemeinsame, friedliche und demokratische Zukunft Europas einsetzen wollen.
Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, wie angesichts der drängenden Krisen eine internationale Zusammenarbeit erfolgreich gestaltet werden kann und welche europäischen Akteure es dafür gibt.
Die „European GSI Summer School“ findet jährlich statt und wird vom Gustav-Stresemann-Institut in Bonn in Kooperation mit Programm-Partnern (u.a. dem Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst) durchgeführt.
Das Gustav-Stresemann-Institut engagiert sich seit über 65 Jahren als überparteiliche, unabhängige und gemeinnützige Bildungsinstitution für politische Bildung, europäische Integration und internationalen Austausch. Damit steht das GSI in der Tradition der Friedens- und Verständigungspolitik, für die Gustav Stresemann und Aristide Briand 1926 gemeinsam mit dem Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnet wurden.
for conference organisation:
Ms. Jennifer Hoppenstock
Tel.: +49 228 8107-171
for the program:
Anne Schulz
Research Manager
Tel.: +49 228 8107-190
until 11.00 | Arrival of the participants | Organization, get together |
12.00 | Lunch at GSI Restaurant | |
13.00 - 13.30 | Welcome to the 29th European GSI Summer School | Dr Ansgar Burghof, Chairman & Director, Gustav-Stresemann-Institute Antje Schlamm, Head of Section Scholarship Programmes East Central Europe, South East Europe, Turkey, German Academic Exchange Service |
13.30 - 15.00 | Opening of the European Summer Academy 2018 Introduction of the team and the participants, brief presentation of the program, facts and figures, intention and methods, The European Summer Academy Blog |
Anne Schulz, Research Manager, Gustav-Stresemann-Institute |
15.00 | Coffee break | |
15.30 - 17.00 | Interactive Debate: Let’s talk about future: wishes, fears and tasks concerning Europe |
Nina Katzemich, EU-Campaignerin LobbyControl Martin Mödder, President, Young European Federalists, North Rhine-Westphalia Judith Schilling, Deputy Head of Regional Representation of the European Commission, Bonn Brigit Wichmann, Pulse of Europe, Bonn Moderation: Michael Münz, Head of Project Management, Gustav-Stresemann-Institute |
17.15 - 18.45 | Workshop: The political system of the EU Institutions and policy fields (The Parliament, The Council, The Commission, The Court, The European Council and other Institutions) |
Holger-Michael Arndt, Lawyer; Managing Director CIVIC Institute
, Düsseldorf Dr. Alexander Burka, Political & Cultural Scientist, Managing Director CIVIC Institute, Vienna |
18.45 | Dinner at GSI Restaurant | |
20.00 - 21.30 | Europa-Bingo An international come together |
Holger-Michael Arndt Dr Alexander Burka |
8.00 | Breakfast at GSI Restaurant | |
09.00 - 10.30 | Economic key-player versus guardian of human rights? (Part 1) Talking about solidarity in the EU Lecture and debate The debate about the new government in Italy, the economic situation in Greece,
refugee politics in Hungary, Poland and Austria reveals different definitions of the European status quo. |
Dr Jürgen Born, Department Economics, Labour and Social Affairs, Institute for Church and Society, Evangelical Church of Westphalia |
10.30 | Coffee break | |
11.00 - 11.45 | Economic key-player versus guardian of human rights? (Part 2) |
Dr. Jürgen Born |
12.00 - 13.30 | Legitimacy of the EU and accusations of a democratic deficit |
Anders Heger, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, doctoral studies at the department of European Studies |
13.30 | Lunch at GSI Restaurant | |
14.30 - 15.30 | Good friends, successful competitors?! The relationship between the EU and the USA is an important issue. Foreign policies or economic affairs – the rules of cooperation are changing, in a very fast way. How will be transatlantic relation in future? What does the ordinary American citizen think of the EU? Is there an influence of the European voice on the public debate in The United States? Which expectations are existing towards the European Partner and vice versa? |
Prof. Dr. Daniel Walther, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, German Institute Director, and Gerald R. Kleinfeld Chair in German History, Wartburg College, USA |
15.30 | Coffee break | |
16.00 - 17.30 | Climate Change as an international task. Europe´s role in the World (Lecture and debate) |
Richard Kinley,Deputy Executive Secretary, United Nations Climate Change Secretariat (2006-2017, retired) |
18.00 | Dinner at GSI Restaurant | |
19.00-19.45 | Technical Information about the Insta-Walk (and WLAN) | Marcus Wolf, Gustav-Stresemann-Institute |
19.45 - 20.30 | Giving Europe a home – European-Simulation-Game Introduction |
Holger-Michael Arndt, |
08.30 | Breakfast at GSI Restaurant | |
09.30 - 10.45 | Bonn – a European City that masters change |
Dr Maria Hohn-Berghorn, Director Liaison Office, International Academic Sciences, City of Bonn |
11.30-13.00 | Insta-Walk: United in diversity |
Michèle Lichte, Bloggerin, Bonn |
13.00 | Lunch at GSI Restaurant | |
14.00 - 15.30 | Giving Europe a home – European-Simulation-Game (Workshop) |
Holger-Michael Arndt |
15.30 | Coffeebreak | |
16.00 - 19.00 | Giving Europe a home – European-Simulation-Game |
Holger-Michael Arndt |
19.00 | Dinner at GSI Restaurant | |
20.00 | leisure time in the city or elswhere |
8.00 | Breakfast at GSI Restaurant | |
09.00 - 11.15 | The European Union - an area of freedom, security and justice exemplified by distinctive law cases |
Dr. Michael Winkelmüller, European Expert, Specialist solicitor for administrative law Partner Redeker Sellner Dahs, Bonn |
11.45 | Lunch Snack on invitation of the law firm Redeker Sellner Dahs, Bonn |
14.00 - 16.15 | The European Union and the Arabic States |
Prof. Dr. Dorit Schumann, Vice President for International Affairs, German Jordanian University |
16.30 - 18.00 | Creative Europe Desk KULTUR |
Lea Stöver, Creative Europe Desk KULTUR |
18.00 | Dinner at GSI Restaurant | |
19.00 - 20.30 | "Wir gemeinsam in Europa – ein Blick aus der Slowakei" in Kooperation mit dem Auswärtigen Amt und der Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Pressburg (public debate) |
Joachim Bleicker, German Ambassador to the Slovak Republic |
Early breakfast | ||
08.00 | Departure to Luxembourg | |
11.00 - 12.00 | Schengen and the freedom to travel (visit) |
Anne Schulz Research Manager, Gustav-Stresemann-Institute |
12.00 | Lunch and further drive | |
13.30 - 15.30 | The European Court of Justice (visit, lecture) |
Presentation of the Courts Work. |
16.30 - 18.00 | “German Diplomacy in the most European of all EU member states”, |
by Dr Heinrich Kreft, German Ambassador to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg |
19.30 | Individual dinner in the city |
09.00 - 10.30 Group 1 |
The European Court of Auditors (visit, lecture) |
09.00 - 10.30 Group 2 |
Summer School Evaluation, Anne Schulz |
11.00 - 12.30 Group 2 |
The European Court of Auditors (visit, lecture) |
11.00 - 12.30 Group 1 |
Summer School Evaluation, Anne Schulz |
13.00 | Individual lunch | |
13.00 - 16.00 | Bus transfer to Brussels | |
17.00 - 19.00 | Exploring Brussels (guided tour) Visiting the heart of EU, the Belgium way of life, gentrification and the historical sites of culture and commerce. |
Dr Bruno du Ban |
19.00 | individual dinner and leisure time in the city |
8.00 | Breakfast | |
08.55 - 09.00 | Welcome to the European Commission | Isabella Malaise-Weckerle, Information Officer, EU Commission |
09.00 - 10.30 | The European Commission: the political executive of the European Union |
Oliver Drewes, Member of the Speaker’s team, Directorate General Communication |
10.30 - 11.00 | Coffee break | |
11.00 - 12.00 | EU career opportunities and selection procedure traineeship | Anne-Claire Gathoye, Information and Communication Assistant, EPSO – European Personnel Selection Office |
12.00 - 13.00 | EU Anti-Fraud and corruption policy |
Matus Minarik, Policy Officer, OLAF - European Anti-Fraud Office |
13.15 - 14.00 | Restaurant Charlemagne | |
14.00 - 17.00 | Council of the European Union (visit, lecture) The European Council’s role in Foreign Affairs, the negotiations about Brexit |
18.00 | Place de Luxembourg, after-work meeting of European trainees, individual dinner |
8.00 | Breakfast | |
09.00 - 10.30 | The work of NGOs in Europe |
Theresa Crysmann, Corporate Europe Observatory (tbc) |
11.00-13.30 | The House of European History (visit of the exhibition) |
14.00 | individual lunch | |
15.00 | Return to Bonn | |
18.00 | Dinner at the GSI Restaurant | |
19.00 - 20.30 | Evaluation: The Summer School Blog |
Anne Schulz, Research Manager, Gustav-Stresemann-Institute |
8.00 | Breakfast | |
09.30 - 10.30 | Lectures by young scientists Programme for revolution: Imperial Germany, the Great War and regime changes in historical perspective. |
Jeannot Fritschen, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, MA International History |
10.30 | Coffee break | |
11.00 - 12.00 | Lectures by young scientists Migration and Integration and Challenges of the EU |
Isinsu Torun, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, MA Language, Literature and Culture |
12.00 - 13.00 | Lectures by young scientists Brexit and the future implications for trade relations between the UK, the EU, and third-party countries |
Kayla Baczewski, Graduate, Class of 2017, Grossman School of Business University of Vermont (UVM), Masters of European Studies Program at Hochschule Bremen |
13.00 | Lunch at the GSI Restaurant | |
14.00 - 15.30 | The European Union: ZEI Monitor: EU Progress 2014-2019 |
Robert Stüwe, Research fellow, Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI), University of Bonn |
15.30 | Coffee break | |
16.00 - 18.30 | Continuation
Shaping Europe Scenario (Interactive Workshop) |
Holger-Michael Arndt Dr Alexander Burka |
18.30 | Dinner at the GSI Restaurant | |
19.00 - 23.00 | Farewell party with invited guests |
8.30 | Breakfast | |
09.00 - 11.30 | Scenario results Current challenges for the European Union (debate) |
Holger-Michael Arndt Dr Alexander Burka |
11.30 - 13.00 | The European Summer Academy Blog / Evaluation of the Summer School (debate) Discussion, how the view of the EU & its politics changed during the last 10 days. |
Anne Schulz, Research Manager, Gustav-Stresemann-Institute |
13.00 | Farewell Lunch at GSI Restaurant | |
Afterwards: End of the Summer School |