The European GSI School is an annual event, organised by the Gustav-Stresemann-Institute in Bonn. Partner-institutions such as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) are involved and have been supporting the Summer School for many years.
Crossing borders is sometimes a most difficult job. Which border would you abolish immediately?
Lena Kronenbürger: The border in our mind that cultural and national borders are necessarily congruent. We all perceive national borders as normal and are tempted to link our cultures to states. However, especially border regions such as Alsace question this assumption.
Creating the future needs priorities: What is the most important task the EU is facing in the next years?
Lena Kronenbürger: Many people living in Europe do not identify with the EU, and some even believe that their identity is being undermined by European integration. The growing political and economic interdependence must be accompanied by socialisation and European values must be at the top of the political agenda - in all Member States.
Crossing borders: The role of media and the danger of nationalistic discourse
16.9.2019, 16.00-17.30 in Bonn